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Gena Carano's PR Campaign


Dear Ms. Carano,


You are receiving this letter because I believe that your mistreatment is unfounded; you are not the first celebrity to have their integrity questioned by their social media activity. Your recent posts have finally gotten you fired from Disney right after you were signed on to have your own spinoff show, and you have lost some of your fans and sponsors in the process. I am here to tell you how we can adjust your image for modern society and reclaim your prior status. The overall goal of this plan is to show the world that you are now an inclusive person and regain your role in the Star Wars universe. This plan will accomplish our goal because you will appear as a person who is seeking understanding and forgiveness from every person and group you have offended in the past. Since your bad publicity stems from what you share online, I urge you to quit social media for a year to show the public that you are willing to take a break to become a less offensive user. You do not hear stories of celebrities quitting the social media world for a time, so the public will know that you put some actual time and thought into the idea. As mentioned, your most significant issue is that you share questionable tweets that you do not realize are offensive until it is too late. I am the best person to hire because I am an African American, so I understand what comments can get a person or group upset. I would show you key words and phrases to avoid ensuring that you do not repeat the same mistake. You do not have to change your views or beliefs, but you definitely got to change how you present them online.


Sincerely Durande Franks

Goal Statement

The goals of this plan are twofold. First, to regain supporters and fans she has lost. Second, to be rehired at Disney for her original role in the Star Wars Universe.


Events Plan

Gina Carano is unfortunately known for posting offensive tweets on different races, an irregular fear of transexuals and their supporters, and offensive comments about the holocaust and Jews. Some of Carano's next steps include incorporating the transexual flag colors into her wresting outfit, creating floats for LGBT parades, and locking herself in a makeshift internment camp. 


Social Media Plan

Carano appears to be active daily on Twitter, so I propose that she post lengthy apology posts on Twitter to all the people, groups, and organizations she has offended over the years. She should also post a genuine Instagram photo of herself with a Jew, a transgender person, or anyone else who may have accepted her apology at least once a week. And Carano must create a YouTube video detailing the trial and tribulations of all the Jewish and trans communities that Carano has insulted over the years. Carano must make every post herself. However, she should have a representative of whatever group she is discussing at that time to examine the posts for inaccuracies or offenses before uploading.


Traditional Media Plan

I will use three types of news releases in my PR campaign: an event press release, a rebranding press release, and a partnership press release. I believe that Carano could improve her public image by organizing sensitivity training classes at the Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge section of Disneyland. I would use an event press release to inform the public of these classes; more awareness would guarantee the maximum number of visitors and participants. Currently, Carano has the reputation of being the MMA fighter who has no filter about what and who she talks about on Twitter; most of the time, her posts end up being offensive, racist, or bigoted. So, I would use a rebranding press release where Carano will delete her current Twitter and create a new one as a sign that she will now post Tweets properly with a fresh new profile. Finally, I also mentioned that Gina Carano should partner with the Holocaust Museum to organize charity drives for the museum and donate money herself.

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